Do you guys like publishing your work on Instagram, I throughly enjoy it and do put a lot of my photos on Instagram and for an amateur photographer, the lens can do the trick for them as they don't have to buy the software. However I have heard that Instagram can use you're pictures without permission.

Posted 28 December 2013 - 04:50 PM
I think using your photos without permission is just a liability waiver so they can't be sued, but I don't think Instagram would use your photos to advertise their service or use them for monetary gain without asking you first, that would be horrible PR.
I love Instagram because it's a great way to get feedback on your work
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Posted 14 January 2014 - 08:13 PM
I use Instagram a lot these days. I honestly don't upload many pictures, I just love to browse my feed and also love to explore new pictures from people on the "Featured" list. I currently have 170 followers and post a picture around once a week. I used to post a picture every single day when I first joined the Instagram community, but there isn't much to take a picture of. I usually do what I do all day, wake-up, go to school, come home, eat, watch TV, and get online.
Not until the weekend do I go outside and hangout with friends. That's the only time I take pictures worthy of sharing.
Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:38 PM
Instagram is a useful way to share your photos or to find other inspirational photographers. I like to use Instagram with my friends as it's a pretty fun application to use when you're taking pictures of nothing in particular. Most of my friends just take selfies or photos of their food.
I think the design and functions are also great and easy to use.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 02:42 AM
I don't really share professional-looking shots on Instagram, especially because anything I upload becomes the property of Facebook. I use it more as a communication tool (ie: "Hey guys look at this thing I'm going to eat!")
Oh God. Another food poster.
So damn many of those going around.
I love Instagram, really. I really, really wish I could get back into it. But when my phone, before my current one broke I just kind of fell out of it.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:21 PM
Oh God. Another food poster.
So damn many of those going around.
I love Instagram, really. I really, really wish I could get back into it. But when my phone, before my current one broke I just kind of fell out of it.
Do you have a lot of friends using it? It feels difficult to fall out of any of the services that my friends use a lot!
If you have an iPad, the app "Flow" is the best Instagram app I've found.
Check out Angel Demirev's blog, this cool home improvement forum, and tips for improving your WiFi network.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 03:31 PM
Hardly any of my friends use it. So that's porobably something to do with it.
Eh. What is "Flow" all about?
Instagram doesn't have an app on iPad, so a bunch of third-party developers created their own apps. Flow is free and looks beautiful. It allows you to see a great collage of all the recent photos posted by your friends, and you can tap one to like it or comment on it.
Check out Angel Demirev's blog, this cool home improvement forum, and tips for improving your WiFi network.
Posted 15 February 2014 - 03:26 PM
I was reading an article a while back about how Instagram is working to change how companies advertise their products. Instagram wants to start using sponsored posts to make money, but they don't want traditional ads in people's Instagram feeds so they're working with advertisers to see if they can find a way to advertise very naturally, so well that the person wouldn't realize that this is advertising content.