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5 Bits of Advice for Beginning Photographers

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#1 Photographa



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Posted 28 December 2013 - 01:19 AM



I found this article today and I wanted to share it here and hear your thoughts on it. Nick Carver is giving 5 tips to beginners looking to get into photography -


  1. Don't always trust what other photographers tell you, especially beginners.
  2. Look at a photographer's work before you listen to them.
  3. Camera store sales people are only good for checking the price and checking the stock.
  4. Don't use learning tricks, like the Shutter Speed / ISO / Aperture triangle.
  5. Don't see the approval of others.


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#2 anchor93



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Posted 09 January 2014 - 11:40 PM

I completely agree on point number three. Camera store sales people will try to make it sound like they know a lot because they're trying to push for a sale (even though I don't know why, BestBuy employees don't work on a commission do they?).


They pushed me to buy a sony mirrorless camera instead of a Canon T3i  :rolleyes:

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