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The best talent is bringing out the talent in others

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#1 Photographa



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Posted 21 December 2013 - 03:37 PM

This is a fantastic quote that I found on LinkedIn a few weeks ago and it stuck with me.


Have you ever felt the pleasure in bringing out the talent in someone else? 

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#2 anchor93



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Posted 21 December 2013 - 05:31 PM

Yes! Think of it in terms of photography. There are probably millions of people who have a good idea for photos. They can instinctively tell what looks good. Maybe they're really good at framing a shot, or maybe they have an eye for lighting that's just right.

These people have a talent, whether they know it or not. They have the talent of being artistically creative. They may not know it, but that talent can be developed.


Isn't that why we're hear as a community? To help people develop into photographers who can take better photos? I think so! Look, maybe someone is really good at finding just the right lighting for a shot, but they have no idea how to use the aperture to control depth of field. This person has so much potential to be great, but they just need to learn something simple first.


This community should (and I think exists because it does) take pleasure in bringing out the talents in others!

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